Hydrogen sulfide detection

Who doesn’t know the smell of rotten eggs or “stink bombs”? What smells so bad, even in low concentrations, is hydrogen sulphide, a chemical compound of sulphur and hydrogen with the formula H2S. However, its other properties are decisive for the need to have hydrogen sulphide measured. The colourless gas is highly toxic, highly flammable, combustible, corrosive and slightly heavier than air. H2S is a weak acid.

Occurrence in nature

Hydrogen sulphide is contained in crude oil and natural gas, in volcanic gases, but also dissolved in spring water, whereby the proportions can be very variable. It is also produced during the decomposition of biomass through decay and putrefaction, for example in a biogas plant, in landfill sites or slurry pits, during the decomposition of plant residues or carcasses.

Large quantities of H2S are produced in the petrochemical industry during oil desulphurisation.

High toxicity

Due to its high toxicity, extreme caution is required when handling the gas. Hydrogen sulphide can be measured with a Compur hydrogen sulphide measuring device such as Statox 506, Statox 503, Statox 560 and Tracer to prevent hazards. This is important because hydrogen sulphide stinks, very quickly numbs the olfactory nerves and then cannot be smelled anymore. Exposed persons are thus falsely lulled into a false sense of security. This is precisely why it is essential to measure hydrogen sulphide in all hazardous areas.

When hydrogen sulphide dissolves in body fluids on the mucous membranes, alkali sulphides are formed which have a strong irritant effect. Short-term exposure at low concentrations can be treated. However, high concentrations lead to severe irritation and even death due to pulmonary edema. Even people who have survived exposure often complain of chronic damage.
Measuring hydrogen sulphide is therefore an important requirement both in the municipal sector and in industry in order to avoid harm to life and limb.

Compur hydrogen sulphide detectors

Dr. Josef von Stackelberg

Dr. Josef von Stackelberg
Managing Director COMPUR MONITORS GmbH & Co. KG

+49 89 62038268 · compur@compur.de

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