Hydrogen cyanide detection
Agatha Christie enthusiasts will well know this substance as a murder weapon. Administered as potassium cyanide it reacts with the hydrogen chloride in the stomach to hydrogen cyanide and leads rapidly to a painful death.
In industry of course it is not manufactured to poison anybody, but is used in the galvanic business or in order to manufacture synthetic resins. Also the gold mining business uses it in the leaching process.
Detection of hydrogen cyanide
Due to its high toxicity, hydrogen cyanide must be measured with very sensitive and specific sensors. Hydrogen cyanide is therefore best measured with devices from Compur Monitors. The electrochemical sensors of these devices measure hydrogen cyanide with virtually no cross-sensitivity. These are the devices in the Monitox, Tracer, Statox 501, Statox 505 and Statox 560 product families with self-test.

Dr. Josef von Stackelberg
Managing Director COMPUR MONITORS GmbH & Co. KG
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