Phosgene indicator badge

A handy plastic carrier with a sturdy clip holds an indicator paper impregnated with phosgene-specific colour reagent. The carrier is conveniently attached to clothing or a hard hat. It can be reused almost indefinitely. The reagent paper should be changed after three days.

If the wearer is exposed to phosgene, the discolouration of this paper is an important decision-making tool for the attending physician when determining the therapy.

One of the gas access windows is covered with a special diffusion paper. The discolouration is less intense under this paper. This extends the measuring range upwards.

New:The newly developed MEDIC dosimeter badge has been designed according to the latest findings in occupational medicine. It only changes colour from a total dose of exactly 10 ppm * min. This protects people with low exposure from overtreatment.

The favourable price of both dosimeters means that employees in areas at risk from phosgene can be comprehensively equipped.


Dr. Josef von Stackelberg

Dr. Josef von Stackelberg
Managing Director COMPUR MONITORS GmbH & Co. KG

+49 89 62038268 ·

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